Monday, January 09, 2006


Yes I love blogs. I'm not ashamed to admit that I like peeking into other peoples lives. Seeing what they like to eat. How they spent their weekend. Looking at their scrap spaces. Reading about their joys and sorrows. I've been encouraged, challenged and I sometimes LAUGH OUT LOUD, drives my family nuts they NEVER see the humor. So here's to whoever thought up this idea. I first heard of it watching the now defunct show 'The Screen Savers' on that used to be 'Tech TV' the channel that has been taken over by a bunch of teeny boppers (can you tell I'm not happy with said teeny boppers?).
Mold update: Got home from the Christmas party last night with enough alcohol in my body to be able to face the mold (which isn't actually that much alcohol, but I'm a light weight when it comes to drinking). I tossed and sanitized. I love glad ware, I can now toss leftovers and their scary containers too. Another great invention, Press & Seal. If you've never tried it you need to. A woman must have been on the team that came up with this one. After our Christmas dinner at my sister-in-laws while we were putting food away Linda mentioned that she picked up a butt load of Press and Seal really cheap at a store closing. My eyes must have lit up cause she pulled one out and 'presented' it to me saying she was willing to sacrifice one for my happiness. I love my sister-in-law. Having said that my fridge is now clean.
I think I've been rambling enough, hopping down the blog bunny trail can be very tiring.

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