Thursday, November 03, 2005

November already?

I think I totally missed October, it was in and out soooo fast. Went to Ben's graduation from boot camp last week. It was VERY, that's the only word I can come up with to describe it. Very moving, Very impressive, Very scarry (yes reservests do go to war). He has matured. When I was trying to describe how he's changed one of my friends asked if he had developed an edge and that's how I would describe it, an edge whatever that entails that's the word for Ben now. Not edgy though (HA).
I'm having to fight to not let the total seriousness of life drag me down. Life is serious but we also need to enjoy it. Lighten up Carrie, gotta keep telling myself that all the time. After all life is short. Yup that's it life is short, enjoy it. God gave us joy for a reason dag nab it!!!! I feel better now.
Jamie and her sister brought Gabby and her cousins to the restraunt on Monday night so I could see their costumes. Gabby was a daisy, tooo cute. One of the customers put money in their bags instead of candy and Jamie's niece and nephew thought that was sooooooo much better than candy, I'm agreeing. Better stock up on quarters next year.
I'm gonna be moving my studio upstairs in Pat's old room. Will also have a spare bed in there for visitors. I'm looking forward to having natural light to work in and more space. I would love to have one of those rooms with built ins that match and nice counters. For now it will hold cobbled together tables, bookcases, dressers and carts. "But the light master the light" will be grand. We'll move most of the office into my old room so Marty will have all that counter space to work with, no more receipts spread out over the floor when he's billing out jobs. Then I'll have his old desk for my office stuff.
Life is good, God it good.

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