Thursday, December 21, 2006

The (very)young blonde grandma and the pool hall.

So I didn't have to watch the babies today and have some extra time to do a little blogging. Although I love watching said babies they-wear-me-out! I'm getting old, this is why one should try not to have children after they turn 45. After they left on Tuesday I took a nap, and not just any kind of nap. The kind of nap where you wake yourself up snoring and then find you've drooled all over the couch, that kind of nap. Like I said OLD!!!
Last time I blogged I decided to try out a new template, I thought I had saved all the settings from my old template, but no, they must be lost in template heaven, thus the boring layout. If I have any time over Christmas break I may play around. But that may not be possible because............
We're getting a pool table for Christmas. I have visions of becoming a pool shark, going into pool halls looking like a (very)young grandma with no apparent skills and bilking millionaires out of their unhard earned cash. Well a (very)young grandma can dream right? I've ALWAYS wanted a pool table, the lucky kids I hung out with had pool tables. Said table could be in the worst pit of a basement in a very bad part of town and I would still think they were the richest of chums. Now ours can be the COOL place to hang out. We'll have pool cues hanging on the wall and holes in the wall where balls 'accidentaly' fly from the table and maybe someday those cool little stools to sit on. There won't be any nifty stained glass light fixture hanging over the table as our ceiling is too low (hmmmmm, I'm thinking there will probably be holes in the ceiling from pool cues raised in victory). So by tomorrow night we should have a pool hall in our basement, no millionaires in site but maybe I'll be able to talk my hunky hubby into.......something.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Duh Blonde

I've been fighting a cold for a couple of weeks. I feel loads better than I did last week but am still wanting to take naps and go to bed by 10:30 which is outrageously early for this old blonde.
Friday is my day to hit the stores and finish up the Christmas shopping. Had a friend 'hint' that she was going shopping on Friday too but fortunatly she was heading a different direction than I was so I was able to bow out gracefully. When I'm power Christmas shopping I like, no need, to go alone. I've studied ALL the adds, have my lists for each store I'll be going to and a map made out. I want to get it all done in that day so heaven help anyone who gets in my way. (I'm such a poet). A few years back I shopped with a broken toe and it took me three whole days to get it done. It's hard to powershop when you're hobbling along at a slow crawl. Fortunately it didn't snow that year till after I had gotten my shopping done. Would have been even harder with wearing an opened toe wooden shoe.
Speaking of snowing in December, I was wasn't I? It hasn't yet. In fact I drove through a thunderstorm and hail Monday night on the way home from work. In fact it's gonna be around 50 today. In fact it's supposed to get up to 58 on Friday, no coat while I shop. In fact I'll probably spend tooooooo much money. More room for shopping bags when there's not coat to lug around.
Whilst blog hopping, yes I know I should have been paying bills, I found some ladies blog and she had this on it.

Find the N.


Now I know this isn't the best use of my time but my tired sinus clogged mind really enjoyed a few seconds of just looking for a N.

Okay, time to get back to the bill paying.