1: life, yes life. It has just gotten in the way of my blogging and total internet surfing world. HOW DARE IT!!!!!! Good News!!!! I'm here so life has slowed a little bit. I'm pounding, not knocking on wood as I'm thinking this (not usally the superstitious type but I do resort to this when LIFE can change quickly and unexpectedly).
2: family, what more do I need to say? They don't mean to cut into my internet life but they can't help it.
3: work, maybe that should have been 2. I had been filling in quite a bit but am almost back to where I want to be, a couple nights a week and maybe a weekend day here and there. I won't count working on Thanksgiving cause working holidays are just a part of it all.
I can't say that housework has gotten in the way too much cause it's suffered as much as anything else. I'm getting caught up on that too though. My office was the beneficiary of all the extra time on Friday. Today was my bedroom, closet and all. I couldn't believe all the junk I threw out. Bags full of clothes and shoes that I wouldn't pass on to anyone. I can see the closet floor for the first time in at least 6 months. I'm thinking that the bathrooms will be the next recipients of my loving and cleansing touch.

Here's a pic of Gabby and Papa spending time looking at pics on the computer. Something they like to do when she comes over. She's getting sooooo big and is sooooo busy. How did I ever get anything done when my boys were that age? Oh that's right those were the years when Marty would come home from work and say "what did you do all day?" It took quite a few killing looks before he wouldn't ask that anymore.
So here's to hoping that I won't be on hiatus quite so long for quite some time. But we know how life can be, it just gets in the way.