Saturday, July 29, 2006

blogging blonde

I've been having some fun this evening. I have time to blog hop. Haven't had time to do that for quite awhile it's usually something I do in the winter, when I can't get outside (I hate the cold). Found one cool site. It's a scrapping dare challenge . I may have to do it. Just in case I don't get around to doing this past weeks dare was WHY DO YOU SCRAP? Okay, so I'm thinking 'of course it's to save the memories and photos for the generations that follow'. sounds so deep doesn't it? But, when I decided to be honest with myself I realized I scrap for ME!!!!! Yup it's only for me. Even if my family would never open an album in the future I'd still scrap. It's a total creative and grounding outlet for me. I also LOVE to shop at scrapping stores so I figure that it would be a good idea to put allllll that paper I compulsively buy to good use. It also gives me a good excuse to have a little room all to myself, how could I justify having a whole room for yarn or cross stitching? Now I always make sure to let the guys fell like they're welcome in 'my' room. They can come in when they want. Okay, okay I'm being honest with myself here, I like being able to kick them out whenever I want. I don't like them laying on the spare bed or sitting on my chairs or touching all my 'stuff' (Wil seems to like to test drive all my tools everytime he comes in here). If they come in and I'm crashed on said spare bed that means 'leave momma alone, to be in here you should be dying'. I love that they are all self sufficient now so I don't have to feel bad about hiding away in my happy place. Now if I could just find some curtains or material to make curtains for the windows it would be perfect, oh well it gives me something to shop for besides paper.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Blonde ambition

I've been spending the last couple of days getting caught up in the office. That may seem like a lot of time to dedicate to that project....but it's not really dedicated time. Yesterday the Gabmiester was here (there's only so much you can do when an active one year old is around)then when she left I popped over to a friends house to help her clean a little as she's in the midst of closing on the sale of her house and her accelerated biological chemistry course, after that it was hop in the shower and off to work. Today I should be able to spend the whole morning on the computer and clearing off my desk.
News flash, we're gonna be grandparents again. Tom and Jamie are expecting a little bundle of joy. Jamie goes to the Dr today so we should have a due date soon. They have received mixed reactions so far. Our parents are still dealing with the fact that they're living together, this will be a big pill for them to swallow and accept. I'm hoping that they can get to that point very quickly. A new life is always a reason to celebrate.
One of the perks of having DirecTV is that we get a ton of XM radio stations. It's such good radio to work by, no commercials, stations that feature certain genres (love the 70s and jazz ones)and if everyone is gone I can crank the tv up in the livingroom which has stereo so sounds great.
Aggie our 83 year old cook at the steak house has had to take a leave, with the heat we've been having working in the kitchen has been making her sick, like, 'it looks like I'm gonna keel over' sick. She's AMAZING!!! Can still cook circles around the youngsters and makes everything look and taste great too. I'm hoping that she'll be able to come back in the fall when it cools down. She's dropped down to 2 nights a week.
Another hot one today. In the mid 90's with a good amount of humidity. We have a chance of showers so I'm holding out watering plants till a little later. Hoping ole mother nature does the work for me. We've been blessed with some good rain in the last couple of weeks so here's to a little more.

Monday, July 17, 2006

The blonde is cleaning

Saturday it was the closet in the dining room. Today it was the living and dining rooms, yup I'm finally in spring cleaning mode. Okay I've never believed in spring cleaning I figure if I'm in the mood to clean I just better do it then, the cleaning mood doesn't visit that often. I also made lunch and did some prep for supper this afternoon, there is definately something wrong. I don't usually do domestic this much, hmmmmmm, I better stop so the guys don't expect it all the time. But I always feel so much better when the house is clean and just isn't that way very much.

I had all this extra cleaning time today cause little Gabby is sick today with a fever so Jamie didn't go to school. Her Momma is worried cause she doesn't want her to end up in the hospital again so she' watching her very closely. I'm hoping and praying that doesn't happen too.

It's another hot one today so I'm gonna grill some steaks for supper, keep the heat outside. I found them in the freezer today, BONUS, didn't know we had any. So I'm getting ready to grab some hard lemonade the matches a good book and a spot in the shade. Yeah baby!!!

One HOT blondie

No I'm not talking about how hot I am (my cell phone screen says 'hot momma', my kids don't get it), I'm talking about how HOT we all are here. As in 'I'm melting, I'm melting'. Yup, it's July in the midwest and we're ALL hot. Our poor Angel dog just lays around and pants all day, Marty just runs around without his shirt & sweating, lucky dog. I kept waiting for it to cool down enough to go for a walk tonight, or I should say last night as it's officially Monday now, but it didn't get below 90 till after it was dark. I may have to break down and walk in the morning. It's against my personal beliefs to do any type of physical exercise (or talking for that matter) till after 8 am but it's supposed to be 80 at 8 so I may have to get up at 7, URGH!!!!!! Is trying to stay in some kind of shape worth it??????????? I'll report in later to let you know if I did it. I ALWAYS have good intentions when I go to bed.

I spent time scrapping today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Had plans to travel that fell through so I had some bonus time at home. Got to scrap and watch Nascar. My Jeffy didn't do too well but finished the race in the top 20. My idea of a perfect afternoon......playing with paper and watching cars go around a track fast! Staying cool was another bonus. Also got to watch Marty's trains go round and round for awhile with him. A great time was had by all.


Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The BLONDE is still kickin

Contrary to popular belief I am still of this world. Man what a wild spring & summer so far. I usually spend June kicking back a little a regrouping. Catch up on cleaning. Finish some projects around the house. Do some scrappin. Not this time around.
We had a couple of waitresses (3 to be exact)quit to work at different restraunts and then it's vaction season (mine included more on that later) so I've been putting in some major extra hours at the steak house. The one bright side of the flooring from my back porch through the kitchen and into the bathroom. I LOVE my new floor. Who knew that those little adhesive backed 12x12 tiles could bring to me such bliss? Now the little Gabster can crawl to her hearts content and not feel like she has to eat the pieces of old tiles that were constantly becoming unattached. She's quite the little vacume cleaner you know, just like her daddy Tom was.
Anywhoo, this is the first week in awhile that I'll be on my regular steak house schedule, only two nights at work, woohoo.
I'm getting caught up on office work today. ANd I've been spending time in my studio! Yes, creating, touching paper, smelling the ink, feeling the fibers. And I'm blogging, I've missed it even if no one reads it I've missed it.
Next installment......vacationing with the parents, an excercise in terror and fun.