Well the BIG weekend is over. Had a great time talking to LOTS of people. Everyone started showing up Friday afternoon, some stayed all weekend (we need to start reserving a blok of rooms at one of the motels). The guys ran trains till we went to eat at the Depot, local restraunt located in the old depot. On Saturday morning guys started showing up at 7:15 am - they are serious about running trains, the whole purpose for the weekend. We had around 80 people show up throughout the day, some just came to look at the trains. Went out to eat with 20+ Saturday night. Today was a lot lighter, not as many people. We had record breaking heat the last couple of days but I'll take that for sure over rain. The wives always help me so much, they brought lots of food and helped with clean up.
We're already planning for next year. Love the friends this hobby has brought to us.
The boys do all they can to stay out of harms way though. Some of our friends are kinda excentric (we're not of course). Tom escaped to town all weekend. Pat got away Friday night, then he and Wil played video games alot Sat & Sunday. Wil would sneak out and visit for a few minutes here and there and always seemed to be around when it was time to head out to eat.
My camera batteries need charging up so I'll post some photos tomorrow.
I've got more cleaning up to do but think like Scarlet O'hara that I'll think about that tomorrow.
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Friday, September 23, 2005
The funny stuff
Okay, I just had to add some more tonight! Being serious is taking it's toll on me, I need to lighten up. I was going to do 10 things I think are funny, but I'm in a hurry so I'll only do 5
1. It makes me laugh when I want to give the boys a hug or a kiss and they RUN!!!!!
2. Marty is just so darn serious, i have to laugh at him sometimes ( maybe at inappropriate times)
3. My boss, he can be a funny guy. Most times when you ask him a question you have a 5 count before he answers (too many drugs for too many years I think)
4. My sister, we have a good time together, quirky sense of humor that most people don't appreciate
5. The Sunday comics, but Marty doesn't get the point (okay that would be thing #6)
I feel better now.
1. It makes me laugh when I want to give the boys a hug or a kiss and they RUN!!!!!
2. Marty is just so darn serious, i have to laugh at him sometimes ( maybe at inappropriate times)
3. My boss, he can be a funny guy. Most times when you ask him a question you have a 5 count before he answers (too many drugs for too many years I think)
4. My sister, we have a good time together, quirky sense of humor that most people don't appreciate
5. The Sunday comics, but Marty doesn't get the point (okay that would be thing #6)
I feel better now.
The BIG weekend
Well we're getting ready for the BIG weekend. Marty's 2nd annual Steam up. All sorts of people are gonna start showing up late this afternoon. We're cleaning and mowing and cooking and......you get the picture.
It will be fun, but watching hurrican Rita make it's way towards land in the gulf coast casts a pall over everything. All the loss that is about to happen. I've been praying that it will just miraculously fall apart before landfall, so far no go it just keeps steadily moving closer and closer.
In our pride as man we tend to think we can control so many things, this past year I've seen that isn't true, there are so many things we can't control. I guess we can only control how we respond. This blonde is feeling pretty small in the scheme of things, am I having more fun? No, but I'm really working on having the kind of heart that our Father would wish. More peace, more love, more patience.
It will be fun, but watching hurrican Rita make it's way towards land in the gulf coast casts a pall over everything. All the loss that is about to happen. I've been praying that it will just miraculously fall apart before landfall, so far no go it just keeps steadily moving closer and closer.
In our pride as man we tend to think we can control so many things, this past year I've seen that isn't true, there are so many things we can't control. I guess we can only control how we respond. This blonde is feeling pretty small in the scheme of things, am I having more fun? No, but I'm really working on having the kind of heart that our Father would wish. More peace, more love, more patience.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Oh my, I'm 45!!!!
Yesterday was my 45th birthday. It just seems kind of old when I type it out! The boys all got me nice cards, Marty took me out to eat for lunch and I took a nice l-o-n-g bath last night (was pretty pruny when I got out). The boys always get the day off from school when their bday falls on a week day. I told Pat that I thought I should have the day off and he said I gotta teach I'm an adult and adults don't take their bday off. HMMMM
It was another good day.
This is my potting shed, all the guys did some work on it as an early birthday present. The good thing about it was they didn't have to spend anything on it, all it took as lots of elbow grease. I took this pic right after it was done, so I do have some things in it now. I have to get some shelves and hooks up and get a couple of big containers for potting soil and mulch. Marty & I visited some friends in AK back in June and Reba had a potting shed that I just ooo-ed and ah-ed over so this is what I got! Very cool!! Marty has a clematis that he wants to get out of his GRR so I think I'll have him move it over to my shed.
We're watching as hurricane Rita is moving towards Texas. Two big ones in a month. I'm just praying that it dies down some before it makes land fall. We may be struggling to make it but at least we're not looking at everything we own being blown away or flooded.
I'm off to enter all sort of contests, BHG, DIY, HGTV they're all giving money, homes and cool stuff away. Maybe we'll win something.
It was another good day.
This is my potting shed, all the guys did some work on it as an early birthday present. The good thing about it was they didn't have to spend anything on it, all it took as lots of elbow grease. I took this pic right after it was done, so I do have some things in it now. I have to get some shelves and hooks up and get a couple of big containers for potting soil and mulch. Marty & I visited some friends in AK back in June and Reba had a potting shed that I just ooo-ed and ah-ed over so this is what I got! Very cool!! Marty has a clematis that he wants to get out of his GRR so I think I'll have him move it over to my shed.

I'm off to enter all sort of contests, BHG, DIY, HGTV they're all giving money, homes and cool stuff away. Maybe we'll win something.
Monday, September 19, 2005
It was a good day, a very good day
After we got done with school I headed to Lincoln (NE) to do some shopping. Marty need some picture frames for some photos he'd had matted so I got to go to one of my favorite places, Hobby Lobby since they (the frames) were 1/2 off this week. Believe it or not I only got the frames and a candle for Jamie's (son Tom's girlfriend) house warming gift. I had to drive right by Scrap Your Heart Out, one of my other favorite places to go and spent less than $20. I actually knew what I needed and pretty much stuck with that. On to Circuit City, yes another wonderful land for me to visit. I had to pick up a pre order for a friend so just walked in the door to customer service and right back out. Next stopped at Office Depot to get a chair mat for under the computer desk. Did a whole tour of the store and got ONLY THE MAT. I'm starting to think that migraine yesterday did some damage to the shopping lobe of my brain (It's true there's a special lobe set aside for just that), I was being soooo good. Then on to my next favorite place to go - that makes 4 favorite places right? I can't put them in any order, love them all - where was I, next favorite place, Barnes & Noble. I was by myself and not on any time crunch so I spend almost 2 hours wandering and touching and turning pages and sniffing. I LOVE BOOK STORES. I wasn't so good there. But one of the books I bought was for history so that was a 'needed' expenditure. The two Star Warsbooks and light romance I really could have lived without, but tomorrow is my birthday so I splurged. picked up a Legacy magazine too.
I'm actually excited about the history book. It's called American Courage, Remarkable True Stories Exhibiting the Bravery That Has Made Our Country Great edited by Herbert W. Warden III. What a mouthful. I'm concentrating on American History this year and think this will be a good postive book. I'll let you know. I've always made history a group subject, so we've always done alot of out loud reading.
Also stopped at Wally World (walmart for those who use their higher brain functions). I was v-e-r-y good there, exept for the outfit for Gabby, I couldn't resist, it was cute and purple and soft and had some very understated frills. Other than that I just bought necessities.
Haven't heard from Ben since last Thursday. He wrote a really nice letter to Marty. He's supposed to be going out in the field this week and doing some camping. He's said that being in the army is taking some getting used to and mentioned that he'll NEVER complain about working out in the heat again.
Here's hoping I get a good nights sleep. I can barely keep my eyes open so I better hit the sack before I catch my second wind, then I'm away till 2 am.
TTFN & God Bless
I'm actually excited about the history book. It's called American Courage, Remarkable True Stories Exhibiting the Bravery That Has Made Our Country Great edited by Herbert W. Warden III. What a mouthful. I'm concentrating on American History this year and think this will be a good postive book. I'll let you know. I've always made history a group subject, so we've always done alot of out loud reading.
Also stopped at Wally World (walmart for those who use their higher brain functions). I was v-e-r-y good there, exept for the outfit for Gabby, I couldn't resist, it was cute and purple and soft and had some very understated frills. Other than that I just bought necessities.
Haven't heard from Ben since last Thursday. He wrote a really nice letter to Marty. He's supposed to be going out in the field this week and doing some camping. He's said that being in the army is taking some getting used to and mentioned that he'll NEVER complain about working out in the heat again.
Here's hoping I get a good nights sleep. I can barely keep my eyes open so I better hit the sack before I catch my second wind, then I'm away till 2 am.
TTFN & God Bless
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Of Migraines and MoJo
OF MIGRAINES: Woke up this morning with a nifty little migraine. When I couldn't sleep at all last night I should have known one was coming on. It's been quite a while since I had one. Marty and I were supposed to go to a garden rr club meeting today and I decided that 4 hours in a car and 2 hours out in the sun would be a little much so he headed out on his own. The upside is that EVERYONE is gone today so I have the house to myself, I consider this an early birthday gift even though it's unintentional. I'm also looking a little rough around the edges, not a pretty sight so I don't have to worry about anyone seeing me. If anyone comes to the door I'll just hide.
Since I'm home I did get this shot of Doobers sleeping on the clean clothes in the dryer. Marty grabbed a clean pair of whitie tighties and must have left the door open.
OF MOJO: I've been purposing to spend more time creating, whether its scrapping, altering or beading. This is my first altered clipboard. I really like it. I painted it gold, placed a layer of dressmaking tissue paper on, put some vaseline over areas i didn't want my next layer of paint to cover, painted it a dark burgandy, removed the vaseline, glued my photo, did some distressing with some sandpaper then added a last layer of watered down black paint. I used Perfect Paper Adhesive (I bought mine at Hobby Lobby) between any layers with paper and then covered the finished product with 3 coats. BTW we're all looking at our dog Angel who's under the 'I'. Used Alchol Inks on the metal, stamps are MM foam stamps. Various acrylic paints. I love the texture the tissue paper gives to the project.
I got some fun stuff (some fibers and a surprise scrappin project) in the mail the other day so hopefully my mojo will be juiced up.
Well, guess it's time to do some other stuff, like clean out my craft room so I can actually craft.
Another bonus of my day at home, I get to watch the Nascar race, it's a wild one, lot's of crashes, helmet throwing, and getting back at each other. I'm also watching some pro football too. A couple of the things I enjoy that none of my guys do. Sometimes one of them will take pity and watch with me for a few minutes, they love me.

Since I'm home I did get this shot of Doobers sleeping on the clean clothes in the dryer. Marty grabbed a clean pair of whitie tighties and must have left the door open.

OF MOJO: I've been purposing to spend more time creating, whether its scrapping, altering or beading. This is my first altered clipboard. I really like it. I painted it gold, placed a layer of dressmaking tissue paper on, put some vaseline over areas i didn't want my next layer of paint to cover, painted it a dark burgandy, removed the vaseline, glued my photo, did some distressing with some sandpaper then added a last layer of watered down black paint. I used Perfect Paper Adhesive (I bought mine at Hobby Lobby) between any layers with paper and then covered the finished product with 3 coats. BTW we're all looking at our dog Angel who's under the 'I'. Used Alchol Inks on the metal, stamps are MM foam stamps. Various acrylic paints. I love the texture the tissue paper gives to the project.
I got some fun stuff (some fibers and a surprise scrappin project) in the mail the other day so hopefully my mojo will be juiced up.
Well, guess it's time to do some other stuff, like clean out my craft room so I can actually craft.
Another bonus of my day at home, I get to watch the Nascar race, it's a wild one, lot's of crashes, helmet throwing, and getting back at each other. I'm also watching some pro football too. A couple of the things I enjoy that none of my guys do. Sometimes one of them will take pity and watch with me for a few minutes, they love me.
Friday, September 16, 2005
Ruby, Ruby, Ruby
This weekend is our big Apple Jack celebration in Nebrasksa City. Craft fairs, parade, apple orchards, medival reenactments, art shows, games....you name it, we have it. They figure that around 20,000 people come through over the weekend, alot for our little town of 7,300. It gets kinda wild. I'm working the day shift tomorrow (Sat), did I mention wild? But the tips will be GREAT. Most hometown people if they don't have to work either stay home or leave town. I did mention wild, right?
Get to go out to lunch today with a couple of good friends. The summer has been pretty crazy for all of us so we haven't seen much of each other, so I'm greatly looking forward to it.
Got a COOOOL clipboard to alter, I'm gonna work on it some tonight. I think it will make a cool album, has big rings so the pages will be able to flip.
Life is good, God provides what we need, can't ask for much more. May want more but that's not really the point is it?
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Rainy Days and Tuesdays......
Everyone is home this afternoon. It's raining so Marty & Tom got rained off the job. It's raining so Pat & Wil are done with school and inside. It's raining so I'm.......why am I still here? I could be working out at the Wellness Center. I'll put it off till later, I have to go into town for Belle's (ladies barbershop chorus)pratice so I'll be practical and save on gas.
I made al album for Gabby awhile back, here are a few shots. It's sooo fun making girlie things.

There are times I think I have it all down here, like how to add photo's and get them to go on the page where I want. Then there's today. It looks too messy, but I don't want to spend any more time on it. So what you see is what you get.
I haven't shared any words of wisdome from our dear friend Samual Clemens so here we go...
Time cools, time clarifies; no mood can be maintained quite unaltered through the course of hours.
I made al album for Gabby awhile back, here are a few shots. It's sooo fun making girlie things.

There are times I think I have it all down here, like how to add photo's and get them to go on the page where I want. Then there's today. It looks too messy, but I don't want to spend any more time on it. So what you see is what you get.
I haven't shared any words of wisdome from our dear friend Samual Clemens so here we go...
Time cools, time clarifies; no mood can be maintained quite unaltered through the course of hours.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Marty's World
I started this post two days ago and life suddenly got even hectic-ier (know that's not a real word but it does describe what it's like these days). One of the nice results of this is that I got to spend a few hours yesterday scrapping with my friend Michelle and her daughter Mallory. There are usually a few other friends that join us but their lives are in that hectic category right now too. I made a conscious decision last spring that I was going to make going to our second Saturday crops a priority. Everyone in my family has realized this is important to me and has respected that time and encourage me to go.
Saying all that here are some of my husband Marty's toys. He loves to play. He plays well with others. He likes to share too. I say this kiddingly but he is actually VERY good with his toys. He's a Garden Railroader (GRR) and a darn good one. We live on 4 acres and his outdoor railroad takes up around 1/2 an acre. He is dedidcated to promoting this hobby and is actually becoming well known in this great miniature world. I'm proud of what he does. I do not like playing with trains, watching them go round and round and round just makes me dizzy, but I encourage Marty to have fun. We love to have people come visit, and yes Marty lets others play on his layout. In two weeks we'll be having people from seven states and another country coming to play for a whole weekend. It's a strange and wonderful world that Marty sometimes lives in. Did I mention he's famous in this world? He's been published in several magazines and GardenRailRoaders from all over the world honor and respect him. Okay he's been published, and many respect him but I'm not sure about the honoring part.
Did I mention that I'm proud?
My husband, a man who has truly created his own world.

Did I mention that I'm proud?
My husband, a man who has truly created his own world.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
The Beatles are going through my head. John, Paul, George & Ringo (he's my personal favorite). Why is it that their songs seem to fit every occasion? I suppose it's because they have a gajillion (yes that's a #)of them.
Life goes on. Went to the funeral of my sis-in-laws mom today.
Life goes on. After leaving the funeral went to visit a friend who is slowly dying of Muscular Dystrophy, Craig is a picture of courage.
Life goes on. My children are growin up and I'm untying some of the apron strings.
Life goes on. I'm going to start to have to wax not only my eyebrows and upper lip but my whole face. Hormones wreak havoc with stray hair growth.
Life goes on. I love my hubby more today than the day we got married.
Life goes on. A co-worker up and quit today. I'll miss her!!!!
LIFE GOES ON!!!! God made it so that we don't really have a choice, life does go on. We can't stop it or slow it down. Going with the flow is just so much easier than trying to fight the current, don't you think? Ooops, my blondeness is showing!
So here's to the idea that life goes on!!!!!!!
I'm sure my friend Mark Twain has some words that go with this thought, I'll have to research that some.
Life goes on. Went to the funeral of my sis-in-laws mom today.
Life goes on. After leaving the funeral went to visit a friend who is slowly dying of Muscular Dystrophy, Craig is a picture of courage.
Life goes on. My children are growin up and I'm untying some of the apron strings.
Life goes on. I'm going to start to have to wax not only my eyebrows and upper lip but my whole face. Hormones wreak havoc with stray hair growth.
Life goes on. I love my hubby more today than the day we got married.
Life goes on. A co-worker up and quit today. I'll miss her!!!!
LIFE GOES ON!!!! God made it so that we don't really have a choice, life does go on. We can't stop it or slow it down. Going with the flow is just so much easier than trying to fight the current, don't you think? Ooops, my blondeness is showing!
So here's to the idea that life goes on!!!!!!!
I'm sure my friend Mark Twain has some words that go with this thought, I'll have to research that some.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
A day
Today is just 'a day'. Nothing special or exciting. I'm getting caught up on bookwork, which means spending the day with my laptop, filing and paying bills. These can all add up to depression if I let it (especially the bill paying, there never seems to be enough). I found 'It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World' on TV so that has helped, love that movie!!!!
It's a serious day. Life is serious. I think I'll leave it at that for now!
It's a serious day. Life is serious. I think I'll leave it at that for now!
Thursday, September 01, 2005
A blonde, her dentist and a favorite layout
I know my dentist John is a very nice man. I don't mind meeting him on the street or sharing a meal with him. But once I walk into his office I really don't like him. It's been years since I've sat in that comfy green chair but one of my teeth is falling apart so I went to visit today. It finally dawned on me that about 20 minutes into my nice visit I start to get a little panicky, I had to work at not having a panic attack. So much for my ability to stay cool in crisis situations. It could be because two people have their hands in my mouth, or maybe it goes back to my childhood visits to Dr. Brooks. I can't stand strawberries because of that dear Dr (icky strawberry flavored floride treatments). I know, I know they just want my teeth to be healthy and pain free but I'll put off my next visit as long as I can, will wait till another tooth is falling apart till I visit John and the girls.
Here's one of my favorite layouts that I've done. Everything seemed to click. This pic of my dad when he was younger was out of focus but I really wanted to use it. One of the girls on the Scrapping With Style website used out of focus photos on a LO so I just decided to do the same, going with the idea that as we look back in time our memories can be out of focus.
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